Technical University of Sofia - branch Plovdiv, Bulgaria TU-logo Bioinformatics Special Interest Group - Plovdiv

The Bioinformatics Special Interest Group (BI SIG)


Special Session on Computational Intelligence for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BioInfo'2008)

part of

4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS'08

September 6-8, 2008, Varna, Bulgaria

Bioinformatics is the fusion of computer science, mathematics and biology to address issues concerning with the organization, management and analysis of biological and medical data. The exponential growth of the size of biological databases and the complexity of biological problems require the development of powerful and intelligent methods and systems that deal with vast amount of information and cope with various challenging problems. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of bioinformatics, diverse computing technologies and techniques are employed when solving bioinformatics problems. We are interested in papers that deal with the application of the methods of computational intelligence for solving fundamental and/or applied problems in bioinformatics and computational biology. Topics include, but not limited to: Databases & Data Integration; Data mining & knowledge discovery; Machine learning & data analysis; Gene Expression & Microarrays; Systems Biology & Modelling; Biometrics.

Those interested in participating in the session are required to register for the main conference. The papers must be formatted according to the requirements of IEEE for conference publications. All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Authors are requested to submit their contributions electronically before April 11, 2008: In addition, the contributions should be emailed to the Session Chair: Veselka Boeva, email:

Chair: V. Boeva

Program Committee:
N. Kasabov, KEDRI, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
G. Gluhchev, Institute of Information Technologies, BAS, Bulgaria
N. Pavesic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
S. Ribaric, University of Zagreb, Croatia
D. Tsankova, Technical University of Sofia-branch Plovdiv, Bulgaria
E. Tsiporkova, Innovation Center - East Flanders, Belgium
C. Vielhauer, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Important Dates: 
Submission of Draft Papers: April 11, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: April 15, 2008
Camera-ready Copies: June 1, 2008