Third International BioInfo'2007 Workshop

October 5th, 2007

on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics


Plenary Speakers


Model based scale-down of micro-algae cultivations in photo-bioreactor


Professor Clemens Posten


University of Karlsruhe

Institute of Engineering in Life Sciences

Department of Bioprocess Engineering
Strasse am Forum 8, Geb. 30.70, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany




Rosa Rosello, Clemens Posten


Rational design of large-scale bioreactors is still suffering from inadequate scale-up of technical parameters from lab to large scale and from missing kinetic information concerning the physiological reactions of the specific strain under cultivation. Therefore, simulations of processes expected in large-scale have to be carried out as far as possible and experiments have to be performed in small-scale reactors mimicking the situation in large scale. This procedure is referred to as scale-down. In this paper a concept to accomplish this task is proposed. Firstly, interactions between light transfer, fluid dynamics, and microbial metabolism are described. Secondly, a procedure is given to decompose the interactions by simulation on the one hand and by finding physiological parameters in model reactors on the other. Light transfer can be calculated by Monte-Carlo methods, while fluid dynamics is handled by CFD. Ideally illuminated model photo-bioreactors and pilot reactors with enforced flow field are proposed to measure physiological parameters especially induced by light/dark cycles generated by interaction of turbulences and light attenuation.




Professor Posten is a Full professor at the newly founded Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. He was a Full Professor for Bioprocess Engineering, Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering, University of Karlsruhe (1995-2005). His working field is on model based development of bioprocesses especially in the field of photo-biotechnology and particle-biotechnology. Posten's academic teaching is in International Study Program "Biotechnology" at the Ecole Superieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS) and Newly founded Study Program "Bioengineering" at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Karlsruhe. He is a Member in Conseil d'Administration of the ESBS, Member of the Faculty Council Chemical Engineering, Member of the IFAC Technical Committee "Control of Biotechnological Processes" and a Head of EFB Working Group: "Measurement, Monitoring, Modelling and Control of Bioprocesses"