Third International BioInfo'2007 Workshop

October 5th, 2007

on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics


Dear colleagues, you are invited to submit papers to the Third International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics (BioInfo'2007). This event will be organised in connection with the International Conference AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS'2007 (A&I'2007), Sofia, Bulgaria. Prospective participants are required to register for the main conference. The goal of BioInfo'2007 is to bring together researchers in the mathematical, computational, control engineering and life sciences to discuss the current state of affairs and novel research results in bioinformatics, bioautomatics and biometrics. The official language of the workshop is English. BioInfo'2007 will be organised jointly by the Bioinformatics Special Interest Group of the Technical University of Plovdiv, the Research Group for Mathematical Modeling and Computer Sciences of the Institute of Microbiology, BAS and the Department of Pattern Recognition of the Institute of Information Technologies, BAS.

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. A special issue on "Computational Intelligence for Bioinformatics and Neuroinformatics" of the International Journal of Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience will be published early in 2008 and selected papers will be invited to be submitted to the special issue after the Workshop. Additionally, selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the Journal of Information Technologies and Control, published by the Bulgarian Union of Automation and Informatics.

Three awards the "Best Young Scientist Paper Award" will be announced during the workshop. These awards, signs of excellence for their recipients (scientists aged under 40), are selected from the set of papers presented at the workshop, based on the evaluations of the Program Committee members.

Pictures from BioInfo'2007 can be downloaded from here. Thanks to all participants for making this a great event!



Important Dates

Submission Date:         30 June

Workshop:                  5 October

All the dates >>



For any questions or comments, please send an email to or



Plenary Speakers

Abstracts of the plenary talks and biographical details about the speakers can be found here.